Our partners and friends

MIFED - Microfinance et Developpement
MIFED is a civil society organization that provides the technical support needed for the management of savings and credit (CVECA-Caisse Villageoise d'Epargne et de Credit Autogeree) in villages.
CVECA - Caisse Villageoise d'Epargne et de Credit Autogeree
CVECAs are savings and credit banks that operate in rural areas across sub-Saharan Africa. The objective behind the creation of CVECAs is to encourage savings and credit in villages, because villagers have no access to traditional banking institutions. CVECAs are therefore rural banks managed by villagers themselves. As such CVECAs provide the best access for AAA preventive health activities in rural communities. Cameroon: MIFED /CVECAs / CECAs
PDF A - GICPAB - Mouvement Paysan en marche - Bogso PDF B - GIC PAB FOUNDER -TECLAIRE NTOMB PDF C- GICPAB- Activités paysannes Fighting Hunger With Cassava / Combattre La Faim Avec le Manioc Bulletin Semestrielle des activités du GIC - PAB N° 5 (A) Bulletin Semestrielle des activités du GIC - PAB N° 5 (B) Activité du GICPAB de Bogso _ Eséka _ Cameroun Quelques femmes du GICPAB de Bogso Centre d'Excellence d' AAA - Les Fondatrices et Premieres Activites Centre d'Excellence d'AAA - Participation World Exposition Hannover Complementary Activities that make it a solid Centre of Excellence - AAA e Newsbriefs Special Issue April 2021 - Club des Jeunes Aveugles rehabilites du Cameroun (CJARC): http://www.cjarc-cameroun.org/
- Charte africaine des Droits et du Bien - Etre de l'Enfant - Convention des Nations Unies relative aux Droits de L’Enfant - Les Centres d'Accueil et de l'Espoir,
- ACMS: www.acms-cm.org & www.Reglo.org
- CCAM: http://cameroon-coalition-malaria.org
- Positive-Generation: www.camerounaids.org
- Planoscam
- RENATA: www.tantines.org
Tanzania: Ukimwi Orphans
Unganda: TASO
Senegal: ANBEP, Yeumbeul
Sierra-Leone: Nenneh's Preparatory School, Freetown ,
Burkina-Faso: Pag-La-Yiri, Zabre
Ethiopia: CBISDO, Addis Ababa
US Embassy Cultural Center, Yaounde
CIFA ( Convention of Independent Financial Advisors)

Soroptimist International
AAA – S I Tokyo - Shinjuku Implementation_ Report 2019
- Cooperation between SI Wienn Belvedere & AAA -
Soroptimist Club steir Ennstal Groebming Collaboration AAA_ Soroptimist Club Steir Ennstal Groebming.
Batonga Foundation: http://www.batongafoundation.org/
Centre for Peace through Culture (CPC): www.centerforpeacethroughculture.org
UNAIDS: www.unaids.org
UNICEF: www.unicef.org
UNFPA: http://Cameroon.unfpa.org
Sightsavers international: www.sightsavers.org
GIZ: www.giz.de
CARE, Cameroun: www.care.org
Institut Francais : www.ifcameroun.com
Centre Medico-Chirurgical, Yaounde
MTN Foundation, Cameroon: www.mtncameroon.net
Librarie Harmattan, Cameroon
Librairie des Peuples Noirs, Yaounde